Press Room - Adsmurai

ADSMURAI launches the first advertising campaigns for their clients on Instagram

Written by Francesc Grau | 8/26/15 7:59 PM

Adsmurai has been selected as one of the first companies in Europe to serve ads on Instagram. The news was communicated to us during the PMD (Preferred Marketing Developpers) event held in London last August.

Since the acquisition of Instagram in 2012 by Facebook, both social 
networks have been integrated to carry on joint actions. The advertising campaign management will be one of the most important for the economic impact, indeed it is expected to attract up to $2,800.000.000 business in 2017, which represents the 10% of the total entered by Facebook.

During the past year, Adsmurai has been working to integrate his platform with Instagram and now it is finally able to create and manage international campaigns quickly and easily.

"As IT company we are costantly looking for innovation and improving our platform in order to provide a premium service to our clients. We are proud to be pioneers in offering such an attractive product as Instagram advertising and some of our customers are expressing great interest to try it".

Marc Elena, CEO of Adsmurai

If you want to advertise on Instagram, don’t hesitate to contact us and we happily help you!