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iOS14 in Digital Marketing Strategies

Written by Joan Queralt | Feb 11, 2021 5:44:03 PM

This year Apple officially launched the updates for the iOS14 operating system. These changes represent a paradigm shift as they include strict privacy restrictions that directly affect companies and digital marketing strategies with a special focus on e-commerce and Social Ads campaigns.

From now on, it will be necessary for all apps to request individual permission from the user to track their activity (Apple's Tracking Prompt) instead of being able to do it by default as before. This new regulation will have a direct impact on retargeting, optimization and measurement strategies, both for app and web mobile campaigns. 

Both Google and Facebook have positioned themselves in this regard with two very different approaches. 

Facebook talks about the impact that these changes have on small and medium-sized companies and is against this new policy, exposing that there is an attempt of profit on the part of Apple behind this strategy. 
Google explains how to adapt to this new ecosystem and all the steps they are following with this new policy.


1. What are the consequences of iOS14 on Facebook Ads campaigns?

New setup for campaigns

We will have a maximum of 8 conversion events per domain. The domain must be verified by the customer himself.  This limitation applies to the domains, not to the pixels themselves.
We must take into account the importance of ordering these 8 events according to the interests of our business.

It affects the optimization and segmentation of the campaigns

The conversion window is going to be reduced from 28 days post click to 7 days post-click and will remain at 1 day post-view. Now it will be even more important to use broad audiences, so the cost per result will increase.


2. How to get ready?

  1. We must verify our domain in the Business Manager.

  2. All applications must submit information about their application's data collection practices through Apple's App Store Connect.

  3. If using the Facebook SDK, upgrade to version 8.1 or higher. 

  4. If any Facebook app tool (FB SDK, App Events API, MMP SDKs) is being used, you will need to use the "Advertiser Tracking Enabled" flag to tell Facebook to restrict data usage per event.

  5. If using any app tool (FB SDK, App Events API, MMP SDKs) you will need to configure the conversion scheme if you intend to optimize for Events in App, Value & Mobile app installs with Automated App Ads.

  6. Prepare to operate all App installs campaigns on iOS 14 with one ad account per app, nine campaigns per app, and five ad sets per campaign with the same type of optimization.


3. The Google positioning

Google has directly embraced the arrival of iOS14 as a new opportunity to "continue to raise the bar for user privacy and ensure a thriving ad-supported digital ecosystem." 


4. How should we prepare our App Campaigns for iOS14 on Google?

  1. Update GA4F SDK or implement SKAdNetwork.

  2. Implement the latest version of the Google Analytics SDK for Firebase to automatically register your App for attribution with SKAdNetwork (AdNetworkAttribution).

  3. Implement the next version of the Google Analytics SDK for Firebase (September 15) to measure conversions for users who accept the iOS14 tracking message.If necessary, update the AdMob SDK.

  4. Reduce the number of campaigns. 

  5. It is recommended to be below 100 campaigns, preferably between 10 and 20.

  6. Use tCPA instead of tROAS for your bidding strategies.

  7. Make sure you have the app updated for iOS14 in the App Store.

At Adsmurai we are Official Marketing Partners of Facebook and Google Premium Partners and we are ready to help you with the adaptation to this new scenario.

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