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ANDICOM, Colombia grows as digital potency

Nearly 4.000 participants from 40 countries met at the Anual Congress of Technology and Communication Andicom, celebrated in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Adsmurai was there as exhibitor and participated with a paper from our CEO Marc Elena, who was there with Javier Castro, Adsmurai representant in Colombia.

Top companies from different strategic sectors for Colombia like tourism, banking, software or telephony were so interested in the technological solution from Adsmurai, Katana, in order to manage efficiently  social media advertising campaigns and increase sales from this channel. One of the conclusions of the event was the confirmation  of the digital as a fundamental space in the country in order to get customers and increase businesses. The percentage of brands that increase their digital advertising investment is growing every year.

Inside the congress, Barcelona was positioned as a referent city promoting technology businesses that can complement the Colombian market. Acció, the office that promotes Catalunya's international commerce, was the leader of the delegation of companies, one of them Adsmurai. The main objective of the commercial mission was to connect the catalan offer with the colombian demand and build a networking environment with chief executives from the companies that assisted the event.

Some recognized people assisted the event, like John Farrel, Ex Country Manager of Google México, Casey Nistat, one of the most famous youtubers and content creators, Andrés Openheimmer, author of some Best Sellers about technology and developmentand referent for Mark Zuckerberg; David Luna, Minister of Technology in Colombia and Colombia's president Juan Manuel Santos.

4 días of intense activity that clearly showed that Colombia is living a great technological transformation process and that this trend starts being fundamental in the DNA of companies and institutions. As the Minister David Luna said:

“What happens today in Colombia and other countries with the ressistance from some sectors to new technologies and apps is the same that happened with the printing and later with the radio. People from the industry is afraid to change the routines, afraid of paradigm changes; but at the end, users who use them are the ones that make changes happen.From Colombia's Government we are pushing the digital sector so that our society can be not only innovative but also a referent in the use of new technologies that can energize the economy and help our population live better".



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