Promoting degree programs to potential new students


Client: EAE   |    OVERVIEW    |    CHALLENGE    |    SOLUTION

EAE promo image


TikTok to reach the best audiences


EAE Business School is an international business school that for more than 60 years has championed innovation as a constant response to the need for people and companies to renew themselves in a changing world.

To promote EAE's bachelor degree programs to potential future students in Spain we decided to use TikTok reaching the best audiences for the most efficient spend.


Millions Video Views


Actions (open chat or upload a product)




Reduction of the CPC


In-Feed Auctions Ads


By allowing you to control the costs of your campaign through TikTok Ads Manager, In-Feed Auction Ads can reach the right audiences for the most efficient spend. All you have to do is set your targets, then let the platform’s sophisticated algorithm find the best way to reach the campaign’s goal.

A large potential audience was detected amongst the Spanish TikTok community, so an ad that directed users to EAE website, where potential students could obtain information about the degrees on offer, seemed the perfect solution.

And thanks to new functionality on the Auction Ads platform, EAE didn't just maximise the age targeting capabilities of its ads, but also took advantage of the geolocation feature available – targeting only users based in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands just one month before the new university enrollments took place.

Making the most of Tiktok’s targeting & platform capabilities, We were able to design and implement a segmentation & optimization strategy that fulfilled EAE target needs and objectives.

The videos themselves featured highly engaging visuals – either promoting the bachelor’s degree programs through graphics and text, or using footage of the campus and its students. A dynamic soundtrack then complimented the images, and added to the immersive experience of the ads.






High increase in awareness


The EAE campaign was highly successful, boosting the business school’s profile at a critical time in the enrollment calendar.

The videos generated close to 4.2 million views, with a strong click count in excess of 15,000. This resulted in a cost per mille of just 0.56€.


It should be mentioned that TikTok has also highlighted this Case Study as an exemplary success story.




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