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Omni-channel strategy for a new product launch


Client: ATM    |    OVERVIEW    |    CHALLENGE    |    SOLUTION

T-mobilitat app and card


We combine Paid Media, SEM and Programmatic to increase impact and deliver the message in the most effective way possible


T-mobilitat is the Barcelona's Autoridad del Transporte Metropolitano (ATM) new ticketing and validation system for travelling on public transport in the province of Barcelona using contactless technology. The idea is to make travelling around the city more agile and the system more efficient, secure and sustainable, improving the user experience of the integrated transport network. 

The introduction of T-mobilitat sought to modernize and make the public transport system more secure, attracting new travelers and discouraging the use of private vehicles. In addition, the transport pass for young people was completely transferred to this new system to encourage its use. In this sense, young people were the most relevant target group, also because of their importance for the future of mobility. An innovative action was implemented that included digitalization, a close and personalized relationship with the user, and highlighted the benefits of an integrated public transport system.


Increased impressions in all networks and digital media.


Global CPC vs benchmark


Segmentation and multi-platform actions


The challenge with ATM and T-mobilitat was to reach the entire target audience in the Barcelona area. To do this, an activation was proposed in various digital channels and media with the aim of being present in all the devices and spaces where the target audience interacts.

Actions were implemented on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Google, as well as in digital media and mobile applications. The focus was directed towards two main segments:

  • Young people aged 16-29 in the Barcelona metropolitan area. These young people were identified as the most relevant target audience due to their importance for the future of mobility. The aim was to capture their attention and promote the use of public transport, focusing on the purchase of the T-Jove.

  • Parents of teenagers in this geographical area, as they are often responsible for purchasing the T-Jove for their children. The influence of parents on the transport decisions of their teenagers was recognized and they were involved in the strategy to increase the uptake of the T-Jove.

In addition, it was considered a priority to reach both public transport users and those who did not yet use public transport, but who might become users in the future. In this way, the aim was to encourage the use of public transport among existing users and to attract new users through a comprehensive and effective omni-channel strategy.

CS T-mobilitat 1


CS T-mobilitat 2



Minimising costs and maximising recall


To impact everyone and deliver the message effectively, we combine a paid media strategy on social networks with a presence on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, a SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategy and a programmatic strategy occupying the main digital media and mobile apps. In addition, in collaboration with Displayce, we used bus shelter advertising in the busiest transport and shopping areas with DOOH (Digital Out Of Home), i.e. digital out-of-home advertising.

The campaigns were designed to minimise delivery costs and maximise message recall and target audience interaction. We used a variety of formats, such as video and images, optimised to capture attention and generate a lasting impact on the target audience. With a strong omni-channel strategy and a combination of different advertising platforms and channels, we sought to reach a broad audience and ensure that the message was delivered in an effective and memorable way.

The results of the campaign were very positive:

  • There was a presence in the main commercial and public transport areas of Barcelona through DOOH.

  • More than 30 million impressions were generated across all networks and digital media, exceeding the benchmark target by 53%.

  • The overall CPC (Cost Per Click) was 29% lower than the established benchmark.

"Working with a team of specialists from various areas - SEM, Meta, Tik Tok, Programmatic - has been the key to the success of the campaign as the optimizations made took into account all the levers we activated in the media planning." 

– Nuria Gallifa, Business Lead at Adsmurai

We are very happy with the results of this T-mobilitat T-jove campaign with Adsmurai. In addition to the excellent results, we would like to highlight Adsmurai's proactivity in proposing improvements during the campaign weeks. They constantly reviewed KPIs and suggested modifications to improve the campaign. Their proactivity and management agility make the difference.
Marta Vancells
ATM Communications Director (Autoridad del Transporte Metropolitano).

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