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Adsmurai on Financial Times FT1000 list for third consecutive year

Adsmurai repeats in the list for the third consecutive year ranking as the 14th European fastest growing advertising company. Financial Times publishes the 5th edition of the #FT1000 ranking with the 1000 fastest growing companies in Europe between 2016 and 2019.



The list reflects a clear growth of technology businesses. In the 2021 edition, there are 218 companies from the technology sector compared to 189 the previous year. And if we add the fintech and e-commerce companies, the sum reaches 290 entries.


Adsmurai in the FT 1000 ranking

    • 1st Spanish company in the advertising sector (2019)

    • 4th Spanish company in the advertising sector (2020)

    • 4th Spanish company in the advertising sector (2021)



    • 3rd European company in the advertising sector (2019)

    • 8th European company in the advertising sector (2020)

    • 14th European company in the advertising sector (2021)



    • 3rd fastest-growing Spanish company in the ranking (2019)

    • 16th fastest-growing Spanish company in the ranking (2020)

    • 22nd fastest-growing Spanish company in the ranking (2021)



    • Top 36 fastest-growing company in the entire ranking (2019)

    • Top 148 fastest-growing company in the entire ranking (2020)

    • Top 292 fastest-growing company in the entire ranking (2021)

The 2021 listing features 1,000 companies and 10 new entries. In addition, only 86 companies have made it to the FT1000 for 3 consecutive years, one of them Adsmurai (2019, 2020 and 2021) the only Spanish company in the advertising industry that has achieved it.

We want to share the excitement, pride and energy that this international recognition represents with our customers, partners, colleagues, team, friends and family.

Thank you for all your support!


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