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Adsmurai enters in the Technical Services Directory for Facebook Marketing Partners

Adsmurai is one of the 3 companies in the world to be in Facebook Marketing Partners Directory in 3 categories: Campaign Management, Feed Platforms and Technical Services.

New Badge for Adsmurai!

We are extremely proud to announce that we've been added to the Technical Services Directory for Facebook Marketing Partners. We are so honored to be a part of the selected group of 3 companies in the world to have the following badges: Campaign Management, Feed Platforms and Technical Services.
But we're not just here to announce our exciting new badge, we're also here to take a look at how this great news can benefit you, and your brand.


Forget about roadblocks and get set up for ad success

Advertisers want to use Facebook more advanced ad products. And some of the questions they have in mind are: How can I best set up my Facebook pixel? How do I use advanced matching to increase my custom audience size? How do I optimize my catalog to drive more sales?

As a recognized Technical Service Facebook Partners we are experts in removing roadblocks and setting up optimal Facebook ad accounts, including integrating Facebook’s suite of ad tools and signals solutions.

Why does the right ad setup matter_

We are here to  provide technical assistance to ensure your business is getting the most out of Facebook.


Wouldn't it be a great boost for your company? 

Request more info to our expert team and set up for Facebook ad success

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