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How Instagram Shop Looks will increase your online sales

Instagram seems to be constantly improving its service, revolutionary innovations such as the IG Shopping Checkout that make life easier for both businesses and users. The latest development has now arrived in the form of Instagram Shop Looks from Creators.

“Starting next week, people will be able to shop inspiring looks from the creators they love without leaving instagram”

Quote direct from Instagram Business page.

This is the second instance in recent months of Instagram informing us that users will be able to complete transactions without leaving the app. It is clear Instagram is making efforts to keep users on the app for longer, just as they are with the Instagram Shopping Checkout that is currently being tested by some of the larger organisations in the U.S.


Instagram Shop Looks: How does it work?

Instagram Shop Looks how does it work

Creators are able to tag products in their posts, meaning followers can easily move along the path from attention to interest and ultimately, making a purchase. Instagram is a place of inspiration, users take a look through the feed of their followers, take a look at the stories and then move to Explore.

It is here that Instagram brings so much value to creators and consumers. In Explore, it’s so easy to find relevant, related content. Content that inspires users and motivates them to find out where to get this beautiful jacket or pair of boots etc.

What does this mean for businesses/ creators?

Simple. More sales, increased revenue.


Why is it important? Why do we need Instagram Shop Looks?

instagram shop looks what is it


Before IG Shop Looks, creators needed to spend countless hours responding to DM’s from fans asking ‘what’s the name of the amazing jacket in the photo and where can I buy it?’ and sure, this is amazing! Any creator, when they get their first request such as this, is ecstatic, similar to the feeling for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on.

But what about when you need to scale your success?

What about when you’ve made 250 sales and are sick and tired of responding to these messages? It’s time to take things to the next level, but you’re already spending so much time dealing with followers instead of creating content. You’re a creator after all, but you’ve become a salesman. So what’s the solution? How can you scale your business? Hire someone to deal with requests? Sure, but that eats into sales revenue, acting as a barrier against your ambitions to grow.

Thanks to the latest development from Instagram, you can save time and money, let’s look at how.

With the tagging that we discussed earlier, Instagram Shop Look allows creators to present users with information about the product so that once the content is published, creators no longer need to be involved in the process and can instead sit back and relax or get started on the next masterpiece.


Benefits of using Instagram Shop Looks

The benefit is clear, the information provided by Instagram Shop Looks negates the need for users to send message requests and thus saves the creator a ton of time writing responses.

Ultimately, it makes purchasing easier, and as a user, this is vital. Instead of sending a request to which users might check the response, they can go straight to purchase. Reducing the time or number of clicks it takes to complete a transaction will only benefit your sales, as there will be less drop offs by those who were initially interested but don’t want to complete a lengthy process.

Especially nowadays when feedback between consumers and organisations is instant, they present the product, we see the product, we want it, we buy it (after checking reviews online, something we discussed in an earlier, the benefits of UGC) and expect it to be delivered the next day, or even the same day. The modern culture of instant gratification does not support a long drawn-out buying process and creators and businesses must adjust to this, as Instagram is doing.

“Instagram Shop Looks negates the need for users to send message requests and thus saves the creator a ton of time writing responses”


How to make Instagram Shop Looks work for you

why instagram shop look is great for you


As a social media ads expert and Facebook and Instagram Marketing Partner, we are able to bring you the latest developments ahead of most, as we did with the Guide to the Instagram Shopping Checkout. And just like the Checkout, we predict that Shop Looks is going to be a big success, decreasing barriers to sales and helping you increase revenue from social media ads.

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