Why your brand should advertise on Pinterest?
With more than 442 million active users per month and a growth of 37%, Pinterest is one of the social platforms to consider before starting to develop your advertising strategy. Before we dive into the article, let's make an initial reflection... Did you know that Pinterest is the first platform to know what moment user is?
Why use Pinterest for your brand?
Because it is the perfect place for brands. Before making any purchase decision, the user goes for inspiration with an intention: to discover, to plan... This process in which the user saves ideas takes place in Pinterest long before any other platform and that is the advantage of Pinterest for your company. The intentionality mixed with the fact that approximately 75% of the pins are made by brands, makes it the ideal context for advertising. Due to the journey the user makes on Pinterest, we can say that a full-funnel takes place on the platform: inspiration, organization and performance or purchase. Isn't it interesting to start with Pinterest Ads campaigns?
With a good planning, brands have the opportunity to make their products or services appear when the consumer is being inspired and has not yet made a purchase decision. By aligning the content with the exact moment, brand recognition can be multiplied by 10 and online sales can be increased by 22%. For example, 70% of Spanish people who use Pinterest say that the platform helps them decide what to buy.

Pinterest influences the consumer during the purchase cycle
Let's look at some examples of important moments at Pinterest in which your brand should not hesitate to advertise.
On an international level, during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, an average of 9.7 million ideas are saved on the platform and more than 900,000 related searches are performed. The peak time for launching the campaign is between October and November. Some of the top search terms are: Black Friday Shopping, Black Friday tips, Cyber Monday Sales, Cyber Monday Shopping, etc.
Another time of year that should not be missing from your Pinterest strategy is the Holiday Season. More than 1 billion ideas are saved during these dates and more than 340 million related searches are performed. The peak time for launching campaigns is between June and December, even so Christmas begins in late September or early October and intensifies in late November. The top search terms are Christmas decor ideas, Christmas movies, Christmas cookies, etc.

Apart from these specific days or times of the year, known in Pinterest as seasonal moments, there are also special occasions in the life of the consumer that become very powerful moments for the brands. Let's look at the figures for birthdays or a new pet.
Birthdays: Around 1 billion saved ideas and 302 million related searches. There is no peak time for advertising, it is a relevant occasion throughout the year. Users on Pinterest usually search for ideas related to cake recipes, birthday gift ideas, birthday outfits, birthday cards, etc.
New pet: With more than 220 million saved ideas and 60 million related searches. Just as with birthdays, the high point for advertising occurs throughout the year and the inspiration sought by the user has to do with dog treats, dog training, dog bed, cat tree, etc.
On the other hand, ads do not interrupt the user while he is being inspired, on the contrary: they are the source of inspiration. Pinterest is the showcase of inspiration, its feed is very visual, we can see 3 or 4 pins at a time! Product ads are welcome and can appear integrated in the home page, in searches or in the related images of a pin.
How should your brand appear on Pinterest?
The platform itself recommends:
Visually attractive: Through convincing images with subtle branding elements.
Original: To help the consumer find a different and new way to do something familiar.
Active: Inspiring the user to try new ideas and achieve their goals.
Relevant: Taking advantage of relevant interests and moments to become part of the consumer's interest.
Especially in 2020, a difficult year, in Pinterest it is very important that your brand inspires positivity, that will increase the impact it has in any phase of the funnel in which the user is. Positivity begins on the platform itself with zero-tolerance policies towards harmful content. For example: in 2018, political ads were no longer published and in 2017, health disinformation content that blocks anti-vaccine content was banned.
In addition to these 4 aspects, it is important that your brand generates interest in the consumer. Two words are very important: Provoke and Allow. Your brand allows the user to know exactly where to find that inspiring idea and must provoke and stimulate to go one step further and consume.
In Adsmurai we don't doubt it and we are marketing partners of Pinterest. Do you think it would be a boost for your e-commerce?