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How dynamic product ads can boost your marketing strategy - Adsmurai

How dynamic product ads can boost your marketing strategy

Since its launch, Dynamic Ads has revolutionized the way advertisers promote their products online. This advertising format uses user data to personalize and optimize campaigns in real-time, reaching more relevant audiences and increasing the effectiveness of advertising investments. Dynamic product ads are a necessary answer to a multi-device dynamic retargeting approach, combining the individual's behaviors with the information that platforms gather from them.

As e-commerce continues to grow, dynamic product ads are becoming an increasingly essential tool for companies looking to stand out in the marketplace.



  • Introduction to Dynamic Product Ads

  • Advantages of Dynamic Product Ads (DPA)

  • How dynamic product ads work

  • Best practices for creating DPAs

  • Challenges and considerations for DPAs 

  • Examples of successful DPA campaigns

Introduction to Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic product ads are a type of online advertisement that uses information about the products a user has viewed or shown interest in on a website to display personalized content.

Typically, these ads are automatically created and customized to show relevant products to users based on their online behavior. For example, if a user has visited a website selling clothing and viewed a particular shirt, they may then see a dynamic product ad that displays that same shirt or similar products.

This type of ad can be an effective way to engage users who have already shown interest in a specific product or product category and can help increase conversion rates and online sales.

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Advantages of Dynamic Product Ads (DPA)

Dynamic product ads have several advantages, among them:

1. Customization

Dynamic product ads allow you to customize the content shown to each user, which increases the relevance of the ad and the likelihood that it will convert into a sale.

2. Save time

The DPA allows you to use one graphical template for all your products and create thousands of ads automatically without having to configure them individually. From the product catalog, the platform automatically obtains all the necessary information: product name, description, landing page URL, image URL, and stock status.

3. Increased ROI

By showing specific products to users who have already shown interest in them, dynamic product ads increase the likelihood that users will make a purchase, which in turn increases the return on investment (ROI) of the advertising campaign.

4. Expansion of scope

Dynamic product ads can be displayed on different platforms, extending the reach of the advertising campaign and increasing the chances of reaching new potential customers.

5. Data analysis

Dynamic product ads provide valuable data on user behavior, such as page views and purchases made, allowing advertisers to optimize their advertising campaigns based on the results obtained.

Overall, dynamic product ads are an effective tool for improving the efficiency and personalization of advertising campaigns, which can help increase ROI and improve user experience.



How dynamic product ads work

Dynamic product ads are a form of online advertising that is commonly used in e-commerce to promote products in an automated way across different digital platforms.

These ads work by creating an ad template that automatically adapts to the products that a user has viewed or searched for on an e-commerce website. Therefore, the DPA displays specific products that the user has already shown interest in, which increases the relevance of the ad to the user.

For dynamic product ads to work, a product feed or catalog is used that contains information about all the products available on an e-commerce site, including product titles, descriptions, prices, and images. An automated algorithm then analyzes the user's browsing data and uses the information in the product feed to select the most relevant products for the user.

Dynamic product ads can be displayed in different formats, such as display ads, social media ads, or search engine ads, and can be customized to fit the branding and design of the e-commerce website.


Best practices for creating DPAs

Dynamic product ads can be very effective in attracting consumers and increasing sales. Here are some tips for creating effective dynamic product ads:

  • Segment your products

    Group your products in different categories or segments in order to customize your ads.

  • Customize your ads
    Use the information you have about your customers to personalize dynamic ads. Use data such as their geographic location, purchase history, and recently viewed products, to show them relevant ads.

  • Use attractive images
    The image of the product is what attracts the customer's attention. Make sure you have high quality and attractive images so that the customer is attracted to the product.

  • Includes prices and offers
    Include your product prices and special offers to motivate customers to buy.

  • Try different formats
    Experiment with different ad formats, such as image carousels, short videos... to see what works best for your products and target audience.

  • Optimize your mobile devices
    Make sure your ads look good and are easily readable on mobile devices. Most people use their mobiles to surf the Internet, so it is important that your ads are optimized for them.

  • Analyze the results
    Track the results of your dynamic product ads and use the information to improve your future campaigns. Analyze clicks, conversions and return on investment (ROI) to see what works and what doesn't.

By following these best practices you will be able to create effective dynamic product ads that will attract your customers and increase your sales.


Challenges and considerations for DPAs

Dynamic product ads are an effective way to advertise products in a personalized way online. However, there are also several challenges and important considerations to keep in mind when implementing this type of advertising.

  • Accurate and up-to-date product data
    Dynamic product ads require an accurate and up-to-date data source to display the correct products to users. This can be a challenge if products change frequently or if product information is stored in different systems.

  • Effective customization
    It is important to ensure that personalization is effective and non-invasive. Ads should be relevant and useful to users and should not appear spammy or overly intrusive.

  • Budget and expense control
    A clear budget must be established and spending must be controlled to ensure that advertising is cost-effective.

  • Data protection and privacy
    Comply with data protection regulations and laws, such as the GDPR, to ensure that user data is protected and used responsibly.

  • Audience selection and segmentation
    Carefully select and segment the right audience, this can be a challenge if you don't know your target audience or if you have a small customer database.

It is important to carefully address the above challenges and considerations to ensure their effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.

Examples of successful DPA campaigns 

Dynamic ads help us to increase the relevance and effectiveness of online advertising, but to get the most out of their potential it is necessary to have a feed management tool. This will allow us to manage, update and optimize product data in an agile and efficient way, ensuring that ads always show the most updated and accurate information. Some of the benefits that this tool will bring us are the following:

  • Centralized management

    A feed management tool will allow you to manage all product data in one central location. This facilitates the updating of data and ensures its accuracy and consistency across all marketing channels.

  • Automatic updates

    A feed management tool can automate the process of updating product data in real time. This means that your dynamic product ads will always display the most up-to-date information about your products.

  • Customization

    A feed management tool allows you to customize your product data feed to meet the specific requirements of each advertising platform you use. This ensures that dynamic product ads are displayed correctly on each platform and optimized for maximum performance.

  • Optimización

    A feed management tool can help you optimize your product data feed to improve the performance of dynamic product ads. For example, you can use the tool to identify which products perform well and adjust your ad campaigns accordingly.

Adsmurai Marketing Platform, a suite designed especially for digital marketers, has two outstanding functionalities in terms of dynamic ads:

  • Feeds, the product catalog management tool that allows you to automatically adapt your feed and creates specific versions for each platform.

  • Creatives, the creative management tool with which you can customize your product images and generate dynamic ads that capture the attention of your audience.




To illustrate these two benefits, below we will share three relevant examples of the use of dynamic product ads through our marketing platform.

Massimo Dutti, Dynamic Advertisements with Broad Audiences

The brand was looking for a way to increase its conversions on Facebook and Instagram, as well as its ROI on both platforms. The launch of dynamic ads with a broad audience turned out to be the perfect tool, as it allowed Massimo Dutti to impact users with specific products in which they had shown interest. So much was the change in the approach to the target that the campaign obtained a 90% ROI growth.

Sufi (Grupo Bancolombia), Dynamic ads to increase vehicle loan sales

In order to grant a greater number of vehicle loans, Sufi carried out a campaign with dynamic ads in image format, carrousel and stories, optimizing the segmentation of its audience. With this addition to its marketing strategy, it achieved a 76% increase in conversions and 931 completed contact forms.

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SikSilk, Dynamic Ads with Snapchat 

SikSilk partnered with Snapchat to create immersive advertising experiences to drive shopping in the UK. It used Snapchat's pixel and uploaded its product catalog to launch dynamic ads. These ads helped the brand improve ROAS by up to 57% compared to other platforms. In the same vein, the purchase ticket increased by 54% more than on other platforms.

In short, dynamic product ads have revolutionized the way companies promote their products online, allowing them to personalize and optimize advertising campaigns in real-time. This not only increases the relevance of ads but also increases the effectiveness of advertising investments, making them an essential tool for any company looking to stand out in today's marketplace.




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