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4 Essential Tips for an Organic Pinterest Strategy

Pinterest is the ultimate platform for discovery and planning. While the users are browsing on Pinterest, they continue making decisions related to the buying process.

Pinterest works as a search engine for users looking for inspiration. For this reason, the operation of Pinterest Ads on the platform is very similar to that of search engine advertising. Greater visibility of your e-commerce, better results and that translates into well-labeled content or ads.  

Besides being an excellent platform to grow your brand, Pinterest is also a safe platform for them. As we mention in previous articles, brand safety is one of the most important values in all updates of the platform. It is possibly the online place with greatest inspiration for users, for that reason Pinterest through its privacy policies looks for creating a safer internet.

In this article, we will show the 4 Essential Tips for an organic Pinterest strategy. 


  • How does organic traffic work on Pinterest?
  • How can we have good organic content on Pinterest?
  • How to attract organic traffic on Pinterest?
  • How to measure organic marketing on Pinterest

How does organic traffic work on Pinterest?

Pinterest is the perfect place for brands. Before making any purchase decision, the user-inspired is with an intention: to discover, plan, etc. That process where the users save and retain ideas happens on Pinterest much earlier than on any other platform.

Pinterest works differently than other social media platforms. The platform doesn’t give much importance to the followers like other platforms do, where if you have more followers, your posts will have more importance.

Instead, it identifies a pin as relevant when it’s repinned, So it’s given more importance in search results. Whenever a pin gains impressions, it also gains potential for more impressions.

To get your brand message across to an audience, you have to give them a good reason to repin your pins. 

How can we have good organic content on Pinterest?

To have good content on Pinterest you need certain features or certain actions to make your brand stand out among all the organic content found on the platform.

To start, the ideal volume recommended of pins is 6-8 pins for each board, as this allows the algorithm to understand it as a set of brand messages.

Pinterest is different from other platforms, its organic reach doesn’t peak in the first 24 hours, but grows over time. Pinterest’s algorithm favors quality content and recognizes consistent and regular content as a sign of a quality account, our advice is to try to post weekly. 

If you need help to generate good organic content, in Adsmurai we have the service of Organic specialized in fomenting  your brand’s digital communication. We will help you to develop your content strategy, manage your online presence and monitor the feelings generated by your brand to support your marketing communication goals.

How can we attract organic traffic on Pinterest?

The traffic that your brand has on each platform is very important and, in this case, on Pinterest, your content must be positive, relevant, original, and visually appealing.

10 steps to generate good organic traffic:

  1. Take an inventory of your initial assets.
    This will help you to decide how many boards you can create to start with your Pinterest search strategy. Above all,  look at the vertical images with the ideal Pinterest look (2:3) and the videos. You should have enough content to get started with your strategy; if not, focus on creating more visual assets.

  2. Create a business Pinterest account
    Business accounts not only allow you to view video pins, but you also have access to Pinterest analytics.

  3. Research keywords
    Use Pinterest trends and the search bar to find the perfect keywords for what you need.

  4. Use the most popular search terms to name your boards or create sections on them
    As with SEO, the headlines are very important to attract attention. Name board with short, searchable titles that make the content of your boards clear. Titles can be up to 100 characters long. 

  5. Creating the text needs to be natural and compelling
    When people search for content on Pinterest, visuals stop scrolling, while headlines and text attract de clicks. Descriptions can be up to 500 characters, but only the first 50 characters will be visual on user’s home feeds. 

  6. Choose and organize vertical images and videos
    Make sure that the layout of your Pinterest profile and the website pages you want to drive traffic to are matching.
  7. Create boards, upload images, and carousels. 
    When you create boards, Pinterest will suggest pins related to your board. Add a few of them to start increasing your visibility with pinners who are actively sharing similar content. For each pin, write headlines, copy and add links. 

  8. Run on your website
    Pinners should have a good user experience when they click on a pin to go to your website. Your landing page should be relevant to the pin. That will be key to whether they want to stay on the website or not.

  9. Add the "Pin It" button
    By activating this call to action on your website, you will get users to pin images to their idea boards on Pinterest.

  10. Keep your profile active 
    Adding content on Pinterest weekly is critical to organic search success.
organic profile pinterest

How to measure organic marketing on Pinterest

Metrics are very important to provide content-specific insight into the type of audience, interaction, and reach your brand is having. 

To measure the success of your organic Pinterest marketing you can use:

  • Website user conversions coming from Pinterest.
  • Top Pins: Top Pins will be organized by the highest number of impressions. If you need more information, you can go to the Top Pins filter and update it. All of this applies to the Top Board information as well. 
  • Impressions: These metrics will give information about the number of times your Pins or sponsored content were on screen. 
  • Link clicks: "Outbound click" is the name given to organic content. The "Outbound click" will provide information when the user clicks on the destination URL of a Pin. 
  • Saved: It will give information about the number of people who have saved a specific pin or board to their profile. 
  • Click-through rate: This refers to the total number of clicks on a Pin or ad, on or off Pinterest, then divided by the total number of times the Pins or ads were on the users' screen.




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