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10 key digital marketing trends for 2023

Last year we talked about the expansion of programmatic advertising; the arrival of shopping solutions on TikTok, Twitter, and Pinterest; and the emergence of the metaverse. All of these are still the talk of the industry, but what will we be talking about next year?

Don't miss this article on digital marketing trends in 2023, a compilation of our recommendations for your marketing plan next year.


  1. Google Analytics 4: more than a trend, the big leap of 2023

  2. Greater projection of the podcast in digital marketing

  3. Content generated by users for users

  4. Native ads to integrate into digital channels

  5. More trust in influencer marketing

  6. Augmented reality and phygital experiences

  7. Branding and values 

  8. New solutions to support user privacy

  9. Account-Based Marketing: content, technology, and commercial action

  10. The rise of intelligent and automated bidding in digital advertising

  11. EXTRA: The e-commerce revolution: Discover Q-Commerce

1) Google Analytics 4: more than a trend, the big lead of 2023

One of the big milestones for web analytics in 2023 will be the final implementation of Google's new Business Intelligence suite, Google Analytics 4 (or GA4). Migrating data from Universal Analytics to GA4 will likely be the first task for many marketing teams. From July, Universal Analytics (UA) will stop recording data and will only allow data history to be viewed up to 6 months after the final migration date. 

The new version of the tool will offer the following benefits:

  • Collect data from websites and applications to better understand the customer journey.
  • Use event-based data instead of session-based data.
  • Include privacy controls, such as cookie-free measurement.
  • Predictive capabilities to guide without complex models.
  • Direct integrations with social media platforms to generate actions on a website or app.

Google Analytics 4

We recommend that if you have not implemented it yet, you do so to start building your data history as soon as possible and to be able to start having a cross-channel view of the different channels involved in your strategy. Google Analytics 4 will be a revolution in Google's measurement environment. 

2) Greater projection of the podcast in digital marketing strategies

The marketing podcast has become one of the most popular information and entertainment formats. More and more people are listening to podcasts, making it a great opportunity for brands. What's more, 63% of listeners bought or researched products and services they heard on a podcast. Every day more and more companies are using this channel to raise awareness, reach new audiences and generate brand presence.

One of the most outstanding aspects of the podcast in marketing is that it is very accessible to the user, as it can be listened to at any time and this creates quite a big competitive advantage over other channels that require greater concentration.  More and more people are listening to podcasts, so there is a great opportunity for brands to consider it in their digital marketing strategy. 


3) Content generated by users for users

It really is a strategy closely linked to influencer marketing. User-generated content (UGC) campaigns have become an important part of today's strategies. 

This is original brand-specific content, created by an influencer or by the general public, in a variety of formats: images, videos, testimonials, even podcasts! User-generated content can be used at all stages of the conversion funnel to influence the content and inspire the purchasing decisions of the target audience. User-generated content is 42% more effective than branded content and has a 6.9x higher engagement than your own branded messages. 

If you have the opportunity, don't hesitate to include UGC in your 2023 strategy. Users increasingly want to see more authentic content, and platforms are increasingly relying on native content, even for use in ads.

4) Native ads to integrate into digital channels

Closely related to the previous trend, in 2023 we are also betting on native ads. In this case, they are marketing content created by brands that are not perceived as advertising but are fully integrated into the platform.

The key to this type of ad is that this content is of quality so that it provides value to the user. More and more users are using tools to limit ads on their social media profiles. Therefore, brands need to look for new ways to reach their audience. Native ads are a good option, as they adapt to the medium where they appear and manage to generate trust from the target audience towards the brands.

Remember, it is not about not applying Paid Media strategies, it is about adapting to the context and finding native and non-aggressive ways to reach the user.

5) More trust in influencer marketing

You've probably guessed it, but in 2023 influencer marketing will still be one of the strongest bets. These strategies seek to achieve effective links between brands and their audience. It is a way to achieve real connections and increase brand engagement.

Year after year, the number of advertising investments in influencers is increasing. According to a report by Business Insider, influencer marketing is expected to generate €16.4 billion in advertising revenue by 2023, representing a 32% increase over 2019. 

The growth of this type of strategy is due to several factors. One is that sponsored content on social networks is appearing prominently, as platforms are adapting their algorithms. In addition, more than 80% of users trust a recommendation more when it comes from the profile of a user they follow.

If you think your brand should incorporate or improve its influencer marketing strategy, do not hesitate to contact our expert team in digital communication.




6) Augmented reality and phygital experiences

You've probably heard of Metaverso, but do you know about phygial experiences? They are strategies that seek to combine the physical and digital environments to offer users a more personalized experience tailored to their needs. 

Augmented reality

The aim of this strategy is to create a memorable, different and enriching customer experience. This trend is directly related to virtual reality, the Metaverse, e-commerce and everything to do with providing value between online and offline.

The increase in the use of Augmented Reality technology means that consumer demand for this type of experience will grow. This year we have already seen major digital platforms commit to working on solutions that incorporate this type of technology. 

According to Snap Consumer, by 2025 almost 75% of the world's population and almost all people who use social and communication applications will be frequent users of AR.

Frequent AR consumers

One example would be Snapchat and its Snapchat Lenses. These are augmented reality experiences that appear inside Snapchat's camera. For brands, they are a powerful and memorable way to connect with consumers on a large scale using augmented reality. This tool offers not only an impression, but also "play time". That is, the time Snapchat users spend playing with the interactive ad it has created, so users can engage with brands. This Snapchat format serves to create results for any business objective, from awareness to consideration to increased sales.

Snapchat lentes del mundo-PNG-2Snapchat lentes faciales-PNG-2
7) Branding and brand values

After the covid-19 months, consumer behavior changed significantly. On a digital level, brands still generate interest, but do not sell as much as before the pandemic. Users are now staying longer in the upper-mid funnel stages of awareness and consideration. For this reason, it is important to reinforce our full funnel strategies with effective awareness and brand awareness campaigns.

And in that line, branding and brand values are very important and become essential to drive business growth. After all, they are the additional value that a product or service gets from being branded. This trend will continue to grow in the coming year, with new brands and products appearing every day, so creating that competitive advantage over competitors is key to standing out in the eyes of consumers.


8) New solutions to support use privacy

Consumers are increasingly concerned about how a company may use its data. Many users demand greater transparency and need to have confidence in the brand before deciding to buy a product or service or take any action that involves providing personal data. 

Brands are increasingly committed to guaranteeing data security by complying with privacy regulations, avoiding leaks, and providing users with detailed information on how the data provided will be used. Companies are aware of this concern and more and more of them are committed to transparency.  

In the world of digital marketing, obtaining consumer data is key to being able to track users' interactions with brands and to be able to take advantage of this information for advertising campaigns. In a context where third-party data is becoming increasingly contentious about the use of third-party cookies on websites, the reliance on first-party cookies to collect higher quality data and CRM systems will increase in value.

One of the hottest topics in 2023 will continue to be user privacy in the face of all these information-gathering systems. For this reason, platform solutions that support the trend are becoming more and more common.

  • Google Enhanced Conversions: A new Google Ads feature to improve conversion measurement and bidding effectiveness. It is an add-on in conversion tags to securely and privately send your website's conversion data.  

  • One Tag: The tool developed by Adsmurai to implement Facebook Conversions API easily through Google Tag Manager.

9) Account-Based Marketing: content, technology, and commercial actions

It is a trend focused mainly on B2B businesses. Account-based marketing is based on identifying the key accounts for a business. By locating potential customers, it is about sales and marketing teams working on personalized, high-value buying experiences for these key accounts. In fact, the sales cycle with an ABM strategy is simplified.

account-based marketing

An ABM strategy impacts generally slower and more specialized sales cycles, increasing the relevance of your business and improving your return on investment.


10) The rise of intelligent and automated bidding in digital advertising

And it's all about data again. Machine learning algorithms essentially predict actions based on data, allowing us to more easily match user needs and turn them into conversions. Through machine learning algorithms, we can leave behind manual adjustments to improve campaign performance.

For this reason, tools that use machine learning to quickly analyze millions of signals and adjust digital advertising strategies in real time are becoming increasingly popular.

One example of such a tools is Google Ads' Smart Bidding. It is a set of bidding strategies that use machine learning to adjust each auction in real-time.


EXTRA: The e-commerce revolution: Discover Q-commerce

This is the next generation of e-commerce that has emerged based on the consumer's need for quick delivery of online orders. Quick Commerce or Q-Commerce refers to those businesses that deliver almost immediately. Delivery time is one of the most critical variables in online shopping. Consumers want to have the products they buy immediately. 

It is a key strategy for businesses that can deliver within hours, are locally focused, and have stock available for immediate delivery. Have you heard of Q-Commerce?

Here's our pick of the digital marketing trends for 2023. Get ahead of them and start introducing them into your digital strategy to get the most out of your campaigns and achieve better results.



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