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Everything you should know about Google Display & Video 360 (DV360)

Managing a Paid Media campaign involves making many decisions like choosing a target, finding the audience to impact, getting suitable placements for your ads, defining the budget, etc. All these decisions can be complex, it’s for that reason that you should know about DV360. It optimizes the development of each step when it comes to launching a campaign: media plans, creative development, mediation, and optimization, etc. Discover in this article the platform that will help you work more effectively and quickly.



  • Introduction to DV360
  • What are their functions?
  • Benefits of using DV360 
  • How to create a campaign in DV360

Introduction to DV360

DV360 (or Display and Video 360) it’s a platform created by Google for large advertisers that are looking to take control of their campaigns.  Allows to manage the digital media mix: create multichannel media plans, link creative strategy with data, manage audiences and media buying, and find a quality inventory of the best advertising space.




To improve team collaboration and campaign results, DV360 includes the following features:

  • Campaigns: Creates, optimizes, and monitors campaigns, order lines, and media insertion orders.

  • Audiences: Create and manage audiences, the platform offers different functions:
    • Audience profile analysis: Understand your audience based on your own, third-party, or Google data, and create combined audiences from different data sets.
    • Activity-based Audience Builder: create audiences based on the activity of 360 Display & Video campaigns.
    • Frequency limits based on audiences: Defines frequency limits across audiences based on all
        print exposures.

  • Creative:  Adjusts the creative strategy to the media and data plan. Some of the functions that can help manage creatives are:
    • Ad Canvas: Visually design ads with real-time previews in the Ad Canvas.
    • Format Gallery: Use innovative formats and templates from Google Web Designer for custom solutions.
    • Data-driven creative: Create variations of messages that appeal to different audiences and set up rules to implement your creative strategy. 

  • Inventory: Discover and manage high-quality inventory from chains and publishers, as well as explore new opportunities in marketplaces and negotiate deals.

  • Statistics: Get all the campaign metrics needed. Some functions help you analyze the performance of Display & Video 360 and take the necessary measures with these results.

Display & Video 360


What are their functions?

The platform is organized around five sections that work together to simplify the managed campaign process.

  • Campaigns

One of the main functions is campaign management, which offers the possibility of creating and carrying out multichannel media plans from a single tool. Also, there is the option to plan campaigns based on coverage and frequency forecasts based on budget and audience. In order to achieve your goals without the need for manual campaign optimization, DV360 also offers automated bidding strategies that are designed to maximize performance.

  • Creative

In DV360, creative is based on data and your media plan. The platform provides powerful tools and the ability to integrate its features into your workflows so you can make informed decisions about creative and tailor it to your audiences.

  • Audiences

Another of its main functions is advanced audience management. Create audiences from data extracted from different campaigns, such as the number of clicks, impressions, conversions, combining remarketing lists or accessing the Audiences module to analyze them or create reports. Through Analytics 360, Google Cloud or Display & Video 360, you can create audience segments from customer data.

  • Inventory of advertising space

There is a high-quality inventory, with the best publishers and chains, Google media, and selected inventory packages. 

  • Fraud detection and prevention: Choose the inventory with which you can get the best results. 
  • Advanced TV: Access high-quality TV inventory on video streams and traditional networks.
  • Google Preferred inventory, YouTube stock, and TrueView. 
  • Google's best video inventory.
  • Guaranteed programmatic: Turn direct deal buying into an automated process and use your real-time audience data to buy by booking.
  • Measuring

It offers global measurement, where you can access all the metrics you need in one place. It also includes important metrics to evaluate campaign performance such as viewability and verification. DV360 is designed to integrate with other solutions. It links the workflows of different products and data to improve the efficiency and results of your advertising.




Benefits of using DV360

Display & Video 360 offers a series of benefits so you can launch digital advertising campaigns. Here are the main benefits it brings us:

  • Campaign control: Know in detail how your budget is being spent and exactly where your ads are being placed. All spending can be managed from a single dashboard for both open auctions and booked buys.
  • Collaborate with other teams: Manage creative, analytics, TV, and digital media teams in a single interface to share information, work efficiently, and always have the necessary data at hand.
  • Reach your audience: Access all audience statistics from a single tool to target your message to the right users. The Audience Insights model offers the ability to create, manage and analyze audiences to strategically design ads. 
  • Leverage intelligent automation: Automate tasks such as bidding and optimization to respond to your audience's needs faster using Google's machine learning capabilities. Using automated bidding allows you to reach set goals without having to manually update your campaign. 

How to create a campaign in DV360

As you have seen, DV360 will simplify the management of your digital campaigns and the decision-making related to them. Below, we show you step-by-step how to create a campaign from scratch.

Step 1:Open Display & Video 360.

Step 2: Click on Campaign in the left menu.

Step 3: Select New Campaign and then enter the following information:
  • Campaign name.
  • A meta description and a key performance indicator (KPI).
  • Choose the type of creative to be used.
  • (Optional) Enter the planned spend for all insertion orders in the campaign. 
  • Select the planned dates on which the campaign will be published.
  • Set a frequency limit at the campaign level for all insertion orders and campaign order lines.
  • Choose the inventory sources you want to use in the campaign. 
  • Specify the default segmentation of the campaign. The insertion orders and order lines you create for the campaign will inherit these settings. Some segmentation types that can be selected are: demographic data, language, geographic area, brand security, environment, visibility and the position.

Step 4: Click on Create to save the new campaign.

In conclusion, DV360 helps us to work more efficiently and from a single tool: media plans, creative development, measurement, and optimization of campaigns.



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