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Catalog commerce: a strategic ally for e-commerce success

Catalog commerce: a strategic ally for e-commerce success

Nowadays, companies are constantly looking for new strategies to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. Among the tools that have gained greater relevance in recent years is catalog commerce, a technique that combines the creation of a detailed product catalog with the promotion of the same through various digital channels.

Catalog commerce offers a number of significant advantages for e-commerce companies, such as improving product visibility, increasing customer engagement and optimizing conversion rates. Throughout this article, we will explore the world of catalog commerce in depth, from its fundamentals to the most effective strategies for implementing it in your business.

Discover how catalog commerce can become a strategic ally for the success of your online store and take your business to the next level.


What we understand by product catalog

A product catalog, also known as a data feed, is an essential tool for any business that sells online. It is a file that contains detailed and organized information about all the products a company offers, including:

  • Product Title: A descriptive name that clearly identifies the product.

  • Description: A detailed explanation of the product, including its features, benefits and uses.

  • Images: High-quality photographs showing the product from different angles.

  • Pricing: The selling price of the product, including taxes and shipping and handling.

  • Inventory: The number of available units of the product.

  • Product attributes: Additional information about the product, such as color, size, material, brand, etc.

A well-crafted product catalogue is more than just a list of items. It should be a tool that makes it easier for users to find the products they are looking for, compare different options and make informed purchasing decisions.


Benefits of using a product catalogue

  • Improves user experience: A well-organised catalogue with complete information makes browsing and searching for products easier, which translates into a better user experience and increased customer satisfaction.

  • Increases sales: An attractive catalogue with detailed information can increase sales by displaying products in an attractive way and convincing users to make a purchase.

  • Optimise marketing: Product catalogue information can be used to create more effective marketing campaigns, segment customers and personalise product recommendations.

  • Improve visibility on marketplaces: A well-structured product catalogue is essential to advertise products on marketplaces such as Amazon, Google Shopping or Facebook Marketplace, increasing brand visibility and reaching a wider audience.

A product catalogue is an essential tool for any business selling online. A well-crafted catalogue can improve the user experience, increase sales, optimise marketing and improve visibility on marketplaces.


Integration with catalogue commerce

The product catalogue is the fundamental basis of catalogue commerce. The information contained in the catalogue is used to feed e-commerce platforms, social networks and marketplaces, allowing users to browse products, make purchases and obtain detailed information about them.

A high-quality, up-to-date product catalogue is essential to the success of any catalogue commerce strategy.


What is catalog commerce?

Catalog commerce, also known as catalogue commerce, encompasses all those strategies and solutions within digital marketing that are based on the use of a digital catalogue of products or services to streamline and optimise the process of buying and selling online.

Unlike a traditional catalogue, catalogue commerce goes beyond a simple list of products. It is a dynamic and versatile tool that harnesses the power of digital platforms to offer users a complete and interactive shopping experience.

Essential features:

  • Attractive visual presentation: Digital catalogues should have high quality images and detailed descriptions that capture the user's attention and show the products in an attractive way.

  • Intuitive navigation: The organisation of the catalogue should be clear and logical, allowing users to easily find the products they are looking for.

  • Advanced features: The integration of features such as advanced search, filtering by attributes and personalised recommendations enhances the user experience and increases the chances of purchase.

  • Connectivity with other platforms: Catalog commerce integrates with e-commerce platforms, social networks and marketplaces to extend your reach and offer an omni-channel shopping experience.

  • Personalisation and data: Analysis of user behaviour enables personalised recommendations and more effective marketing campaigns.

  • Mobile optimisation: The catalogue design must be optimised for viewing on mobile devices, as a large proportion of online purchases are made on smartphones and tablets.El catalog commerce ha experimentado una notable evolución en los últimos años, adaptándose a los avances tecnológicos y a las nuevas necesidades de los consumidores.

  • From static catalogues to dynamic experiences: The transition from printed catalogues or static digital versions to interactive and dynamic platforms has been fundamental to the success of catalogue commerce.

  • Integration of new technologies: The incorporation of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning has made it possible to further personalise the user experience and optimise marketing campaigns.

  • Growth of social commerce: Social media has become a key channel for catalogue commerce, allowing companies to connect with their target audience and sell their products directly on these platforms.El catalog commerce ofrece una serie de ventajas tanto para las empresas como para los consumidores:

For businesses

  • Increased sales: The use of a well-designed digital catalogue can significantly increase online sales.

  • Improved customer experience: Intuitive navigation and attractive product presentation improve customer satisfaction.

  • Reduced costs: Catalogue commerce can help reduce operational costs by automating many marketing and sales processes.

  • Increased reach: Integration with social media and marketplaces allows you to reach a wider audience.

For consumers

  • Faster and easier shopping experience: Catalogue commerce allows users to find and buy products quickly and easily.

  • More information and transparency: Digital catalogues provide detailed information about products, including images, descriptions and reviews from other users.

  • Ability to compare products: Users can easily compare different products before making a purchase.

  • Access to a wide variety of products: Catalogue commerce offers access to a wide variety of products from different suppliers.

Catalog commerce has become an essential tool for businesses looking to sell their products online effectively and efficiently. The combination of attractive presentation, advanced features and personalised marketing strategies make catalogue commerce an attractive option for both businesses and consumers.


How does catalog commerce work? A dynamic and optimised process

Catalog commerce works through a dynamic and streamlined process from creating a detailed product catalogue to tracking key metrics to evaluate performance.

1. Creation and maintenance of a product catalogue:

  • The foundation of catalogue commerce is a complete and up-to-date product catalogue that includes detailed information about each product, such as unique identifiers, names, descriptions, availability, images and links.

  • Tracking tools, such as tracking pixels, are implemented to collect data on user activity on the website, recording product views, interactions and other relevant details.

2. Audience segmentation and personalisation:

  • From the data collected, personalised audiences are generated. These audiences can be segmented according to different criteria, such as browsing history, interactions with specific products, demographics and other factors.

  • Targeting allows personalised ads to be targeted to each audience, showing relevant products to users who have shown prior interest or who share similar characteristics.

  • Retargeting techniques are used to reach users who have visited the website or added products to the shopping cart but have not completed the purchase.

  • Prospecting is used to expand the brand's reach to new users who share characteristics with existing audiences.

3. Continuous catalogue optimisation:

  • Ongoing data analysis is critical to optimising the product catalogue and improving its performance.

  • Product display information, click-through rates, conversions and other metrics are analysed to identify which products and displays generate the most interest and sales.

  • Based on this data, adjustments are made to descriptions, images, categories and other catalogue features to improve the user experience and increase conversions.

4. Personalisation of the user experience:

  • Personalisation is a key aspect of catalogue commerce. Technologies and algorithms are used to tailor the user experience in the catalogue based on browsing history, geographic location, device, interests and other factors.

  • Personalised product recommendations can be offered, relevant featured products can be displayed, and the catalogue presentation can be tailored based on user preferences.

5. Performance tracking and analysis:

  • Tracking key metrics such as conversion rates, ROI (return on investment) and CPA (cost per acquisition) is essential to evaluate catalogue commerce performance.

  • Analytics data provides valuable information on campaign effectiveness, audience segmentation and optimisation strategies.

  • Based on this data, adjustments and improvements are made to catalogue commerce strategies to maximise ROI and achieve marketing objectives.

6. Integration with other digital marketing initiatives:

  • Catalog commerce does not work in isolation. It integrates with other digital marketing initiatives, such as content marketing, email campaigns and social media marketing, to create a consistent, omni-channel user experience.

  • Product catalogue information can be used to create relevant content, target email campaigns and personalise social media ads.

  • This integration creates a synergistic effect that amplifies the reach and effectiveness of overall marketing strategies.


Catalogue commerce is a dynamic and optimised process that combines the creation of a detailed product catalogue, audience segmentation, personalisation, data analysis and integration with other digital marketing initiatives to deliver an engaging and effective shopping experience for users, driving conversions and online sales.


The strategic importance of catalogue campaigns in e-commerce

In today's e-commerce landscape, catalogue campaigns have become a key strategic tool for companies looking to drive sales, increase product visibility and connect with customers effectively.

What makes them so important?

  • Targeted promotion: Catalogue campaigns highlight specific products in the digital catalogue, using compelling images, detailed descriptions and persuasive calls to action to capture the user's attention and drive them to direct purchase.

  • Leveraging valuable data: Catalogue campaigns benefit from information collected through the product catalogue, including retargeting data and personalised audiences. This allows companies to accurately target users who have shown prior interest in specific products or who share relevant demographic characteristics, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

  • Strategic placement in the sales funnel: Catalogue campaigns are often placed in the middle and final stages of the sales funnel, where the main objective is to finalise the purchase and convert the user's interest into an actual transaction.

  • Driving conversion: By targeting users who have already demonstrated a certain level of interest, catalogue campaigns can be a key factor in driving conversion and increasing sales.

  • Brand awareness: However, catalogue campaigns can also be used earlier in the funnel to generate brand awareness and consideration among a wider audience, attracting new leads.Las campañas de catálogo son una herramienta poderosa que, cuando se utiliza de forma estratégica, puede generar resultados significativos para las empresas de comercio electrónico.

By combining targeted product promotion, leveraging valuable data and strategic placement in the sales funnel, catalogue campaigns can drive sales, increase brand visibility and strengthen the connection with customers.

To better understand the strategic importance of catalogue campaigns in e-commerce, here are two success stories:

The first, Laura Canada, with its Laura and Melanie Lyne brands, was looking to streamline the process of creating optimised feeds for platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, given the growing importance of online sales.

Their large inventory and diverse customer base required a specific approach. They needed to ensure they had a product catalogue optimised for all their channels, with the ability to filter and apply rules to the product feed to maximise profitability.

The solution came with Feeds by Adsmurai Marketing Platform, a tool that became the unified source for all of Laura Canada's product feed information. This efficient, intuitive and dynamic tool simplified the feed optimisation process.

Thanks to Feeds, Laura Canada was able to easily manage multiple feeds and apply adjustments and optimisations that allowed them to target their audience efficiently. This success story demonstrates how implementing the right tools to manage catalogue campaigns can make a difference to e-commerce performance and profitability.




The second, Polo Club, a Spanish fashion brand that was looking to improve sales and performance of its Facebook and Instagram campaigns targeting new consumers. It faced the challenge of detecting the most relevant products and displaying them effectively in its ads.

The solution came with the implementation of Adsmurai Marketing Platform's Feeds, which connected with Polo Club's Google Analytics to detect the most popular and best-selling products. Through this integration, catalogues were created with the "top performers" products, automatically updated on a daily basis.

The result was remarkable: by incorporating top performing product catalogues into its Facebook and Instagram campaigns, Polo Club was able to significantly improve the performance of its campaigns targeting new consumers. Some notable metrics include a 17% increase in ROAS compared to other prospecting campaigns, an impressive 342% increase in CTR and a 27% increase in total orders from these campaigns.

These success stories demonstrate how effective catalogue management and product optimisation can positively impact e-commerce performance and conversions.  



Platforms and solutions for catalog commerce

The catalogue commerce landscape offers a wide range of platforms and solutions that provide businesses with powerful tools to promote their products and services online, reach targeted audiences and maximise conversions. Each platform is distinguished by its unique features and functionality, allowing businesses to choose the one that best suits their needs and objectives.

Meta (Facebook and Instagram)

Meta Ads:

  • DPA (Dynamic Product Ads): Dynamic ads that show relevant products to users based on their browsing history and interests.

  • DBA (Dynamic Broad Audience): Extends the reach of DPA campaigns to wider audiences with similar characteristics to target customers.

  • Versatile ad formats: Single Image, Carousel and Collection to showcase products in an engaging way.

Meta Organic:

  • Instagram Shopping: Labelling of products in publications to facilitate discovery and purchase.

  • Instagram Live Shopping: Selling products live via Instagram streams.


Google Ads:

  • Shopping Standard: Product ads in Google search results.

  • Performance Max: Automated ad campaigns that optimise ad delivery across multiple Google channels.

Google Organic:

  • Google ShoppingIt allows users to search for and buy products directly from Google's search results page. 


TikTok Ads:

  • Collection Ads: Show collections of products to specific audiences on the platform.

  • Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA): Dynamic ads that adapt to the advertiser's inventory and audience.

TikTok Organic:

  • TikTok Shopping: It allows users to discover and buy products directly from the platform.

  • TikTok Live Shopping: Live product sales through TikTok broadcasts.


Snapchat Ads:

  • Collection Ads: Show collections of products to specific audiences on the platform.

  • Dynamic Ads: Dynamic ads that adapt to the advertiser's inventory and audience.

  • Powered AR Shopping Lenses: Immersive shopping experiences using augmented reality.

Snapchat Organic:

  • Snapchat Shop: Enables users to discover and buy products directly from the platform.

  • Snapchat Live Shopping: Live product sales through Snapchat broadcasts.


Pinterest Ads:
  • Shopping Ads: Show individual products or collections to specific audiences on the platform.

  • Collections: Ads that display multiple images of a product or collection.

  • Dynamic Retargeting: Displays ads to users who have previously interacted with the advertiser's website or app.

Pinterest Organic:

  • Pinterest Shopping: It allows users to discover and buy products directly from the platform.


Choosing the right platform for your Catalog Commerce needs will depend on a number of factors:

  • Your marketing goals: do you want to increase conversions, generate leads or build brand awareness?

  • Your target audience: Where is your target audience located and what platforms do they use?

  • Your budget: How much are you willing to spend on advertising?

  • Your product type: Are your products visual or more text-based?

The catalogue commerce landscape offers a wide range of solutions for businesses of all sizes. By understanding the unique features and functionality of each platform, businesses can choose the one that best suits their specific needs and goals, driving their e-commerce success.


Incorporating User Generated Content (UGC) in catalogue commerce strategies

User Generated Content (UGC) has become a fundamental tool for enriching catalogue commerce strategies in today's digital landscape. By integrating UGC into catalogue campaigns, companies can leverage its power to:

  • Show authenticity and credibility: UGC, such as photos, videos or reviews from real customers, brings a touch of realism to catalogue campaigns, contrasting with professional images and carefully crafted brand messaging. This authenticity can build consumer trust and increase the likelihood of purchase.

  • Encourage customer engagement: By encouraging customers to share their own product-related content, brands can create an active and engaged community. This can include contests, challenges or simply open invitations to share experiences. The UGC generated through these initiatives can then be used in catalogue campaigns to amplify the brand's message and generate greater impact.

  • Improve conversion rate: UGC can act as a powerful persuasion tool, as recommendations and opinions from other customers carry a great deal of weight in purchasing decisions. By displaying positive UGC in catalogue campaigns, brands can increase consumer trust and the likelihood of conversion.

Examples of how to incorporate UGC in catalogue commerce

  • Use images and videos of real customers in catalogue ads: Showing products being used or enjoyed by real customers adds authenticity and credibility to campaigns.

  • Include customer reviews on product pages: Positive reviews from other customers can significantly influence a potential user's purchasing decision.

  • Create UGC galleries on the website: Dedicating space on the website to display photos, videos and reviews shared by customers can encourage participation and create a sense of community.

  • Use UGC in social media marketing campaigns: Sharing UGC on social media can generate interest, increase engagement and amplify the reach of catalogue campaigns.

  • Implement UGC tools on the website: Tools are available to facilitate the collection, moderation and publication of UGC on the website and in marketing campaigns.


Benefits of using UGC in catalog commerce

  • Increased consumer trust: UGC brings authenticity and credibility to campaigns, which builds consumer confidence.

  • Increased customer engagement: Encouraging customers to share content encourages engagement and creates an active community around the brand.

  • Improved conversion rate: Positive UGC can influence purchasing decisions and increase conversions.

  • Amplification of brand message: Customer-generated UGC can be used to amplify the brand message and reach a wider audience.

  • Cost reduction: UGC can be a low-cost or even free source of content, reducing marketing expenses.

Incorporating UGC into catalogue commerce strategies can be a powerful tool to connect with consumers more authentically, increase engagement, improve conversion rates and amplify brand messaging. By harnessing the power of UGC, companies can create more engaging shopping experiences and generate more positive results.


How to improve the performance of your catalog commerce campaigns

To succeed in the world of Catalog Commerce on today's digital platforms, it is critical to implement effective strategies that drive visibility, engagement and conversions. Here are some key tips to optimise your campaigns:

1. Optimise your product catalogue:

  • Complete and up-to-date: Make sure your catalogue includes all your products, with accurate and up-to-date information.

  • Well organised: Sort your products into logical categories and subcategories for easy navigation.

  • High quality images: Use attractive and professional images that show your products from different angles.

  • Clear and persuasive descriptions: Highlight the features and benefits of each product, using clear and compelling language.

2. Segment your audience:

  • Advanced targeting: Take advantage of the targeting tools available on the platforms to target your ads to specific audiences.

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, etc.

  • Interests: Hobbies, hobbies, lifestyles, etc.

  • Online behaviours: Browsing history, past purchases, etc.

3. Use retargeting:

  • Impact interested users: Show targeted ads to users who have already interacted with your catalogue or website.

  • Increase the chances of conversion: Remind users of the products that have caught their attention and encourage them to complete the purchase.

4.Personalise your messages:

  • Behavioural data: Analyse user behaviour to offer personalised recommendations.

  • Tailored messaging: Create relevant and engaging messages for each audience segment.

  • Unique experience: Offer a personalised and memorable shopping experience.

5. Experiment with different ad formats:

  • Static images: Classic and versatile.

  • Carousels: Show several products in a single ad.

  • Videos: Engaging and dynamic.

  • Collections: Group related products together.

  • Choose the format that best suits your products and audience.

6. Optimise for mobile devices:

  • Seamless experience: Make sure your campaigns are displayed correctly on smartphones and tablets.

  • Mobile behaviour: Take into account mobile shopping habits.

  • Optimised ads: Create ads specifically for mobile devices.

7. Conduct ongoing monitoring and analysis:

  • Monitor performance: Use analytics tools to measure the performance of your campaigns.
  • Adjust as necessary: Make adjustments to your strategies based on the data obtained.
  • Constant optimisation: Seek continuous improvement of your campaign performance.

8. Integrate user-generated content (UGC):

  • Authenticity and credibility: Incorporate UGC into your campaigns to build consumer trust.
  • Social proof: Show positive reviews and feedback from other customers.
  • Increased engagement: Encourage users to share their own content.

By implementing these strategies and taking a continuous optimisation and analytics approach, you can significantly boost the performance of your Catalog Commerce campaigns on digital platforms, maximising sales, profitability and the overall success of your e-commerce business. With its ability to connect with consumers, deliver personalised shopping experiences and generate measurable results, Catalog Commerce is positioned as a critical tool in today's and tomorrow's digital marketing landscape.


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